iLEVIL 3 AW/Autopilot. Measures ADS-B, weather and traffic information, GPS Navigation, Pitot static connection, AHRS and data recording
iLEVIL 3 AW with APPROVED GPS/Measures ADS-B, weather and traffic information, GPS navigation, pitot static connection, AHRS and data recording
iLEVIL AP/Autopilot. Vertical speed indicator, Turn and slip indicator, flight plan steering, heading mode, altitude mode, HOLD, auto envelope protection, and auto trim
iLEVIL AP/Autopilot. Vertical speed indicator, Turn and slip indicator, flight plan steering, heading mode, altitude mode, HOLD, auto envelope protection, and auto trim. With ADS-B approved GPS
ASTRO+/dual band ADS-B Receiver includes 1 RS232 Serial Port, SD card recorder, Pressure Altitude, External ADSB antenna( GPS is internal)
ASTRO+ with REMOTE ANTENNAS/dual band ADS-B Receiver includes 1 RS232 Serial Port, SD card recorder, Pressure Altitude
ANTENNA/Remote ADS-B antenna. Includes suction cup and 48 extension cable. For use with iLevil