LAMP CAP ASSEMBLY-Legend text: Copilot, Mute 58220A4B0C1F69L401N1(A),P12,13. With mounting sleeve
LAMP CAP ASSEMBLY/Legend Text CO, Warning58220A2B0C1F69L401N1(R),P12,13. With mounting sleeve.
LAMP CAP ASSEMBLY/ Legend Text: DME; N1;N2 58210A4B0C3F4L5N12(DGG),P12,60 WHITE(DME), GREEN GREEN( N1 N2 LIGHT UP WHEN SELECTED) 4766-5050. With mounting sleeve kit.
SWITCH ASSEMBLY/Eaton-2 Pole, Alternate Action, Legend Text: SYNC ON/SYNC OFF, Green/Red, 28V LED, with mounting sleeve and connector.
SWITCH ASSEMBLY/Eaton-2 Pole, Alternate Action, Legend Text: PAX ON/PAX ISO, Green/Amber, 28V LED, with mounting sleeve and connector.
SWITCH ASSEMBLY/Eaton-2 Pole, Alternate Action, Legend Text: LHS ON/LHS OFF, Green/Red, 28V LED, with mounting sleeve and connector.
SWITCH ASSEMBLY/Eaton-2 Pole, Momentary Action, Legend Text: TRAFFIC MUTE, White, 28V LED, with mounting sleeve and connector.
SWITCH ASSEMBLY/Eaton-2 Pole, Momentary Action, Legend Text: PLAY BACK, Blue, 28V LED, with mounting sleeve and connector.
SWITCH ASSEMBLY/Eaton-2 Pole, Alternate Action, Legend Text: RUD BIAS ON/RUD BIAS OFF, Green/Red, 28V LED, with mounting sleeve and connector.
LAMP CAP ASSEMBLY/Legend Text: SKYWATCH/STORMSCOPE. Legend Color: Blue/Green. For use with 582 Eaton Switch.